Home Care Package Service Fees

Basic Daily Fee
Exit Fee
Set Up Fee
Cancellation Fee
when cancelled the day before a planned visit
Basic Daily Fee
Exit Fee
Set Up Fee
Cancellation Fee
when cancelled the day before a planned visit

Care Management

Costs are per fortnight as a set rate. *All Care Management is overseen by a Registered Nurse.

Includes coordination of your care and support needs by a registered nurse. CHT values consumer directed care and therefore we talk to you about every aspect of your package to ensure you receive the services you want.
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4

Package Management

Costs are per fortnight as a set rate.

Package management is the ongoing administration and organisational activities associated with ensuring the smooth delivery and management of your package. For example we are required to comply with strict reporting standards and legislative requirements. This includes how we prepare and provide financial information to you and how we maintain the quality standards for home care packages.
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4

Support Services

We offer a range of support services including Medication Support, Personal Care, Domestic Assistance, Meal Preparation, Shopping, Social Support, Transport, Respite Support, Home and Garden Maintenance.
Mon - Fri
6am - 8pm
Mon - Fri Evenings
8pm - 6am
All day
All day
Mon - Fri
6am - 8pm
Mon - Fri Evenings
8pm - 6am
All day
All day

Nursing Services

Includes completing relevant nursing assessments, developing Care and Support Plans, liaising with your doctors as well as any other health professional who may enhance your overall wellbeing.
Mon - Fri
6am - 8pm
Mon - Fri
6am - 8pm

Complex Home and Garden Maintenance

Care Management

Care Management costs cover the regular and ongoing cost to support you to manage your care. CHT values consumer directed care and therefore we talk to you about every aspect of your package to ensure you receive the services you want. The Care Manager or Registered Nurse will visit you in your own home to establish your initial care and support plans. You will be invited to explore potential referrals to other Health Professionals such as physiotherapist, occupational therapists, dietitians and registered nursing as required. You will be asked to let us know of your preferred days and times of visits along with any other preferences related to cultural or social needs to ensure we meet your requests with a suitable care worker. Our Registered Nurses will oversee the management of your package and you will receive regular and ongoing reviews of your agreed plans to ensure their relevance as your needs may change. These reviews can be face to face or over the telephone depending on your individual support needs.

In the event that you choose to receive services through a subcontracted provider, a 5% processing fee for such services will apply. All home items purchased and any services that are reimbursed to you through the package will be charged at 5% processing fee.

Travel Costs

CHT pay Support Workers for the time it takes them to travel between clients plus the kilometres travelled. Therefore we will charge the home care package for these travel costs at 75 cents per kilometre and the travel time from Kingston or Hobart CBD (whichever is closest) to your home (one way).

Travel in the car of Support Workers is also charged at $1.10 a kilometre.

Care Management, Nursing and Allied Health visits are inclusive of travel costs but exclusive of any products or equipment you may need.

Top Up Fees

Should you wish to purchase additional services over and above what your package can fund you can do so by paying a daily ‘top up’ fee calculated by our finance department at the hourly rate of service costs.

Means Testing

The Australian Government Services (Centrelink) will assess your income and notify you and CHT of how much you need to pay. CHT and any other provider is prohibited from waiving or discounting this contribution fee). All consumers receiving the Aged Care pension with no other income will not be required to pay and Income Tested Fee.

Service Cancellation

CHT appreciates as much notice as possible when cancelling a scheduled appointment as we need to notify our staff of the change but we understand this is not always possible. Fees will only be charged if you cancel on the actual day of your scheduled visit but all cancellations received before this day will be at no cost to your packaged funds.

Public Holidays

Public holidays are determined and governed by WorkSafe Tasmania and all services delivered on these days will be charged at double the weekday rate.


Christian Homes Tasmania Ltd. will provide you with an invoice each month and deduct the charges from your package funds as per your agreement. Should you wish to discuss any aspect of your statement please phone our Kingston Office on (03) 6239 3514 or email accounts@cht.org.au.

Have questions?

Should you wish to discuss any aspect of your Home Care Services please phone our Kingston Office on (03) 6239 3516 or email communityservices@cht.org.au