Residential Price List

Room Type:

Standard Single Room with Private En Suite

Payment Options

Residents can choose to pay for their accommodation by a refundable deposit, a daily payment, or a combination of both. A refundable deposit is paid as a lump sum amount. A daily payment accrues daily and is paid periodically, for example fortnightly. A combination payment includes both a partial lump sum and daily payments. Here is the maximum amount that a resident would be charged for a room:

Snug Village

10A Torpy Avenue, Snug
Maximum Refundable Accommodation Deposit (RAD):

$490,000 - $525,000

Maximum Daily Accommodation Payment (DAP):

$113.04 - $121.11

Example of payments, based on a combination of 50% refundable deposit and 50% daily payment:

Refundable deposit = $245,000 - $262,500

Daily payment = $56.52- $60.55

Room Available

Snug Village provides high quality aged care accommodation for 76 residents (including 1 respite room) in a residential setting close to shops and the beach.

Every resident has their own room of approximately 20 sqm as well as a private en-suite.

Hawthorn Village

23A Wells Parade, Blackmans Bay
Maximum Refundable Accommodation Deposit (RAD):

$480,000 - $495,000

Maximum Daily Accommodation Payment (DAP)

$110.73 - $114.19

Example of payments, based on a combination of 50% refundable deposit and 50% daily payment:

Refundable deposit = $240,000 - $247,500

Daily payment = $55.36- $57.09

Room Available

Hawthorn Village provides high quality aged care accommodation for 52 residents (including 1 respite room) in a residential setting close to transport and the beach.

Every resident has their own room of approximately 16 sqm as well as a private en-suite.

Would you like to know more about our Residential Community?

Contact us, we will be happy to answer any of your questions.